Our Services.

Accurate, customized dentures.

Start with your Free Consultation.

As primary health care specialists, we can provide you with professional advice regarding potential treatment options. This appointment is customized for each individual patient. We are not all created equal and what may be the best treatment for somebody else, may not be the best treatment for you. We want you to feel free to voice any potential concerns that you have so we can work together to achieve the result you desire.

Full Dentures

Full dentures, also known as complete dentures, are used when all natural teeth are missing on the upper, lower, or both jaws. A consultation is done to address concerns and create a treatment plan. Custom impressions are taken using PVS materials followed by a try-in appointment with a 3D printed mock-up denture. Adjustments are made as needed before the final prosthesis is delivered. Annual follow-up appointments are recommended for maintenance.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are utilized to fill in gaps between someone’s natural teeth. They can be fabricated using either acrylic, or different types of metals. They are a great option for patients who are not good candidates for dental implants or dental bridges. They are held in place by either clasping, or by fitting against the contours of the remaining teeth.

Implant Supported Dentures

Implant supported dentures provide exceptional comfort and stability by giving the dentures a solid oral structure to fit against. It is ideal to fabricate a new set of dentures against implants, but it is also possible in certain cases to retrofit an old denture to fit against the implants. The patient is able to choose how tight they want the denture to fit by way of selecting how strong the attachment components are. This way, the patient is able to achieve the perfect result for them!

Surgical Dentures

Surgical dentures, also known as transitional or temporary dentures, are inserted at the time of tooth extraction to make the transition as smooth as possible. They help maintain jaw shape and size changes, ensuring patients have teeth during healing. Various lining products can be used as the jaw bone remodels for comfort. After healing, which can take a year, new impressions will be taken to create a permanent set addressing fit and appearance changes for the best results.


If your dentures feel loose or unstable, the tissues underneath may have changed shape, requiring a reline or rebase. It is important to assess the fit every 2-3 years to prevent soreness or food getting trapped. If the denture was not made by us, we may need to check alignment before proceeding with a reline. Worn teeth may necessitate a new set.

Same Day Repairs

Since dentures live in the harsh environments of our mouths, it is possible that they make break or teeth may chip when eating something hard. Sometimes we all get butterfingers and drop the dentures. Either way, our office offers same day repairs. We will usually try to get you to drop them off earlier in the day, and depending on the severity of the break, we will be able to get them back to you promptly.


Bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding, can wreak havoc on your dental health and quality of sleep. The relentless grinding of molars, often accompanied by loud noises, not only disturbs your sleep patterns but also poses a serious risk of dental damage and eventual tooth loss. Much of this can be resolved by wearing a night guard. The night guard is designed to be comfortable, and provide a softer surface for your molars to slide against, therefore preserving your teeth.


Engaging in contact sports can pose risk to your mouth. We don’t want that to get in the way of you pursuing your passion. We specialize in sportsguards that protect your teeth, and are easy to maintain.

We're with you every step of the way.

What to Expect from Your Full Denture Journey

We will initially consult with you to see what concerns you have, and make sure we can work together as a team to achieve the best results! We will examine your tissues and try to determine the best type of denture for you. If we decide on a treatment plan with you, we also will typically take your initial impressions that will aid us in designing customized impression trays for the next appointment.

On your next appointment we will be taking custom impressions using PVS materials. This is critical in achieving a solid, stable fitting surface on your new dentures. We will then take a bite record, which will give us the proper relationship between your upper and lower jaws. We will discuss aesthetics which will include tooth shape, size and color to determine what we aim to have the dentures look like.

Your third appointment is a try in. We utilize 3D printing in order to make a mock up denture for you to see in the flesh. It will fit and feel very similar to your finished denture. Once the denturist is able to check the fit and how the bite comes together, you will be able to look in the mirror and make sure that teeth suit you, and that you are happy with the color of them. If you are happy with them, we can proceed to the finished product. If not, we will want to take pictures, and take notes of the changes that need to be made, and have you come back to try in a new design. If you are unsure, you are able to take the 3D mock ups home to show your family and friends! We want to ensure that you are 100% satisfied before we finish them, so do not be shy in expressing yourself to the denturist. We want you to be ecstatic about your new smile!

Your fourth appointment is the delivery of the final prosthesis. We will spend some time checking how they feel under chewing pressure, and making any refinements necessary before you take them home.

Your relationship with the denturist doesn’t end there! We recommend yearly follow up appointments so that we can make sure your teeth are still in good repair, and that you aren’t dealing with any sore spots. At the yearly appointments, we are also able to clean and polish your dentures for you to make them feel fresh and new again!